
Always Innovating, Always Improving

“An Effective Innovation Solution Creates An
Evolving Profitable Business Model That Drives
Sustainable Exceptional Growth In Any Future.”

More Depth, More Reach, More Bold

We can make the future better than the past.



Bold Strategic Vision, Deep Industry Expertise,
Focused Functional Knowledge, Exceptional Results

Success In Any Future


We Help Ambitious Clients Innovate Their Future Through
“Profitable Creativity”.

“Sustainable Profitable Creativity Delivered Where It Is Needed.”

Strategic Innovation That Transforms The Future


Innovation Accelerates Performance, Fuels Sustainable Growth, Creates New Customers & Increases Customer Loyalty

What it is Innovation? These are a few of our “Team Innovation” definitions.

  • Innovation has many definitions but they all mean the same, finding new and better ways to deliver exceptional results, accelerate growth, create sustainable value and prepare for the future.

  • Innovation is using creativity to create sustainable value.

  • Innovation is transforming ideas into exceptional new products and commercial opportunities.

  • Innovation is discovery, exploration and experimentation with a purpose.

  • Innovation is finding new and better ways to create value for customers, through new products, services or business opportunities.

  • Innovation is the process of developing solutions that address customer future needs and present unmet needs.

  • Innovation is the process of creating value by applying unique solutions to meaningful problems.

  • Innovation is actively seeking and implementing solutions to improve the future.

  • Introducing something new with the purpose of creating sustainable, exceptional growth and value.

“Complacency Accelerates Failure, Innovation Breeds Success.”


Innovation is the most effective way to sustainable, exceptional profitable
growth, Strategic Innovation transforms organizations, markets and industries.

Innovation is a growth engine, a disruptor and can be a strong Strategic Competitive Advantage.

  • Innovation is the most valuable contributor to exceptional, sustainable, profitable growth and sustainable value creation.

  • Innovative organizations are more profitable and grow faster.

  • Innovation helps expand the possibilities so leaders can make better decisions.

  • Innovation provides that pathways to discover new business opportunities, explore better ways of doing business.

  • Innovation increases customer loyalty.

  • Innovation boosts employee moral and increases retention of key talent.

  • Innovation helps make the future better than the past.


An organizations true value is measured by it’s ability to sustain innovation, achieve Strategic Innovation.

Innovation does not come to you, you need to create it, harness it’s massive power and focus the energy where you need it.

Many people think Innovation begins with ideas, in reality the sustainable innovation process starts way before ideas.
Ideation, is an integral part of innovation, many people have great ideas, ideas are easy, transforming ideas into something that makes a bold, long
lasting impact can be a challenge. Questions + Ideas = Innovation. What if? What next? How? Is this possible? Questions fuel ideas. Creative ideas
drive innovation. Innovation drives invention, new experiences, products, services, processes and systems that create value.


There is always a better way to do things, innovation is about figuring out how.

Innovation is not new, it has been around since the invention of the wheel. Thomas Edison was a great innovator as well as a great inventor. Still, after all this time, most companies cannot make Innovation work as they intended, it is the same for large enterprises and small businesses. Most organizations do not understand what it takes to achieve Sustainable Innovation success. Innovation often takes too long and the innovation process is not effective or efficient. Often Innovation lacks focus and causes wasted resources. Innovation results often fail to provide the growth and profit needed or expected. Often good ideas do not make it to the innovation process. Innovation pipelines are often filled with products that have no viable future. Often innovation lacks discipline and there is no effective innovation system in place. Often organizations are not “Innovation Friendly” and not “Innovation Responsive”. Innovation leadership is often ineffective, innovation is often lacking direction. Many leaders do not thoroughly understand innovation and all it’s benefits. Often leadership fails to provide adequate funding to make innovation successful. Often critical capabilities needed for effective Innovation are lacking or missing. Often leaders choose easier, less effective growth strategies to expand their business. Often the results of innovation are not communicated, launched and scaled properly resulting in lost opportunities and growth. Often products are not scaled effectively. The pricing for innovations is often not correct resulting in lost growth and profit. Many different types of thinking are required to make an effective innovation solution, sustainable Innovation requires discipline, order, and development to be successful “Managed Creativity”. To succeed at Sustainable Innovation organizations need to do many things correctly.

There is always a better way to do things, innovation is about figuring out how best to do them. Successful sustainable Innovation requires research, collaboration, sharing of ideas, deep understanding of clients’ future needs and decisive action. Innovation requires exploration and exploitation and realization to succeed. Logic and knowledge need to be set aside when searching for innovation, imagination is all encompassing and stimulates ideas giving birth to innovation. Innovation is often the result of debate, argument and conflict. Questions fuel ideas that result in effective innovation. Progress cannot be stopped, but you can manage it with innovation. Those that initiate change are in the best position to define it and reap the benefits. Innovation is a powerful force that distinguishes the disruptors from the disrupted.


The future requires innovation, even the most successful organizations need to continuously innovate to remain relevant and stay ahead of change.

In the last 13 years with the exception of technology there has been very little earnings growth. Why? Lack of Innovation, technology companies are innovation powerhouses that continuously innovate. We help many technology clients push the boundaries of customer expectations and exceptional growth. All businesses and organizations need innovation to improve, grow and evolve.

Innovation is critical in the modern economy.
With the ever-changing business landscape, rapid changes in customer behavior, new worthy competition and fast pace of business, Innovation is necessary for sustainable value creation. Even the most successful organizations have many things that can be improved; to stay relevant, maintain market position and grow, businesses need to continuously improve and innovate.

Innovation is essential, the vast majority of company senior leaders say that their business models will soon be outdated and innovation is one of their top priorities. Competition, change and innovation are causing product and business model life cycles to become shorter, next generation innovation solutions are needed to compete effectively. The ever-changing new world economic order and many new worthy competitors make innovation a challenge, even the best innovators need to continuously improve their capabilities and develop new innovations much faster and more efficiently. More effective and agile research and development processes are required to sustain pipelines for quicker release. Innovation is also a great opportunity for those organizations that are ready, willing and able to create and shape their own future. Those organizations that are future ready, have the entrepreneurial spirit coupled with a winning attitude and forward thinking have the potential to disrupt markets to become the new leaders.

Innovation is required for all businesses, all sizes of organizations in all industries need innovation to evolve and grow. Disruptive competitors put pressure on organizations of all sizes to adapt and accelerate the pace of change. Companies need to learn to evolve and grow in a fast paced innovating environment.

Entrepreneurial Start-ups begin as extremely innovative ventures that often lose their innovative edge and competitiveness during the scaling up process. Businesses with stagnant top line or bottom line growth need innovation to accelerate growth and profit. Companies with many competitors need innovation to accelerate and breakout of the pack.

For large businesses, Innovation is always high on the CEO’s agenda, leaders need to efficiently convert ideas into sustainable profitable growth to create value for shareholders. Even the largest organizations need to stay ahead of the innovation curve to compete so they do not become irrelevant and be replaced by an “Innovative Disruptor”. Tesla, Apple, Alphabet and Amazon may be the innovation leaders today but things change quickly. Do you remember the previous innovation leaders?


Companies need to learn to evolve and grow in a fast paced innovating environment.

Many large organizations experience challenges to Strategic Innovation, often, organization and enterprise processes and systems prevent R&D and L&D departments from truly innovating, many innovation possibilities are slow to be realized. Many organizations do not promote idea development. Ideas are often not expressed, heard or developed because of bureaucracy, business units and divisions (Silos). Organizations that do not innovate become irrelevant and always under-perform. Organizations often attempt to imitate their competitors, always trying to catch-up, competing for the same customers to stay relevant. Innovation helps organizations identify new opportunities and markets that are being under served, and new products for a new customer base or business venture.

Often companies run out of new ideas or they lack confidence in their latest offerings or they feel their innovation team has not made any measurable impact on their bottom line or they feel their Innovation process is not functioning as they intended. Sustainable value creation through Innovation requires sustainable innovation, Strategic Innovation to fill the pipeline with winning products, services and opportunities. Innovation requires discipline, The Innovation process must be efficient, measurable, repeatable and effective, most importantly it needs to produce sustainable value for the organization and create value for customers in a radically different way. An effective system of innovation management is required to manage the pipeline and schedule the release of new products and services. Innovation pipeline and portfolio management is essential to focus the innovation efforts to best allocate internal resources. Many analyses are needed to reveal value creation streams. Many different types of thinking are required to make an effective innovation solution. Innovation requires discipline, development and order. Analytical Expertise, Cross Functional Talent and Iterations are needed successful Innovation outcomes.

In this increasingly complex and rapidly changing environment, Innovation is the go-to solution for exceptional growth and Strategic Competitive Advantage for many businesses and organizations of all sizes.

Leadership is the foundational driver of business success, today’s highly competitive, increasingly challenging business landscape requires Innovative Leadership to stay ahead.

Constant innovation is a challenge and requires a true vision of the future, an effective and evolving innovation strategy coupled with an effective Constant Innovation System, an effective and creative innovation team, and a culture that embraces and looks forward to the new opportunities Innovation provides. Strategic Innovation Transformation

Innovation enables organizations for the future. Innovation provides an opportunity to experiment, learn, adapt, grow and lead. The integration of innovation into business strategies give the company direction and the road map to sustainable growth and value creation.

The most ambitious leaders and valuable companies use Innovation as there primary driver of growth, they realize the value, they are excited about new opportunities and possibilities, they actively seek change and are in a constant state of innovation. They are shaping the future.

Radical Innovation is needed to maximize growth and value, and significantly increase market-share. The potential for Innovation and Design driven growth is enormous and worth the investment to get it right.


We are a full service Innovation Studio that focuses on “Profitable Creativity” for our ambitious clients that want to innovate the future.

Our “Team Innovation” an integral part of our Growth Strategy Consulting Team, includes a dedicated team of exceptional people that eat, breath and sleep Innovation, our team includes some of the best creative thinkers and innovators in the world. Our “Team Innovation” also includes exceptional research scientists, data scientists, designers, engineers, motivators, visionaries and many more. Our organization includes industry experts and subject matter experts that help tailor more effective solutions to the unique needs of our innovation clients. We are a full service Innovation Studio that focuses on “Profitable Creativity” for our ambitious clients that want to innovate the future.

Innovation is in our DNA, we strive to maintain our entrepreneurial spirit. We are focused on Strategic Innovation that creates sustainable, exceptional value creation. Our team is a driver of growth, we fill the gaps needed to accelerate breakthroughs that lead to exceptional, sustainable growth. We take pride in delivering sustainable innovation solutions that help our clients shape the future for all their stakeholders.

We are constantly evolving and improving to stay ahead of the innovation curve and maintain innovation thought leadership. We foster a culture of learning, constantly developing the best innovators and creative thinkers to provide the most effective innovative solutions. We empower our clients to become great Innovators.

We use a holistic approach toward Innovation, we combine innovation and optimization to achieve constant, sustainable innovation quickly. To make our Innovation Transformations more effective we use a holistic, flexible and integrated approach.

We combine a Customer-Centric or User-Centric Mindset and Holistic Approach with Creative Thinking, Analytical Thinking, Practical Thinking, Critical Thinking and Design Thinking to find the most effective Innovation Solutions for our clients.

We think a lot to find the most effective solutions for our client’s unique needs.
Concrete Thinking, Abstract Thinking, Divergent Thinking, Convergent Thinking, Sequential Thinking, Reflective Thinking, Associative Thinking.

With our Depth and Reach we are able to provide a true multidisciplinary approach to Innovation Development.

We provide effective solutions from the top down to the front lines, wherever they are needed, we are hands on, we help clients implement strategies and transform their organizations in the most effective and efficient manner. Our World Class Innovation System “Excelerate” delivers sustainable innovation quickly. We help our clients bring their innovation to market. We are able to provide Fast Track Innovation solutions whenever the need arises.

Our goal is maintain innovation thought leadership to provide the highest level of innovation consulting and most effective strategies, solutions and systems to empower all our clients to be great innovators that create world changing innovations.


We make sense of innovation. We make innovation easier, sustainable, more effective and more profitable.

We make sense of innovation. We make innovation easier, sustainable, more effective and more profitable.

We provide the broadest range of innovation consulting services and solutions. We provide total innovation solutions or focus on our clients most critical innovation priorities. Our World Class Continuous Innovation System is adaptable, flexible, scalable and provides sustainable innovation quickly.

We implement growth strategies for leaders who aim to change the future. We help clients become innovation leaders and help our ambitious clients become global market leaders. We help ambitious leaders achieve exceptional, sustainable growth and shape the future with highly effective custom Innovation Strategies and Transformations.

We provide an outside perspective to better identify problem areas to find effective solutions.

We identify and obtain the critical capabilities needed for Innovation effectiveness.

We help clients prioritize innovation to maximize sustainable growth and profit. We help determine innovation value and expedite the launch of the most profitable.

We help clients develop Innovative Action plans to push the boundaries of innovation and develop innovation at speed.

We strive to make innovation the driver of new businesses for our clients. We help clients develop the products and services of tomorrow. Our team of innovators helps clients create new products, services and business opportunities that deliver sustainable, exceptional, profitable growth. We work with organizations seeking growth, influence, and agility to design and build the next generation of products, services, and experiences.


We help clients develop Innovative Action plans to push the boundaries of innovation and develop innovation at speed.

We create an environment that is conducive to sustainable innovation. We help organizations function as one cohesive, coherent and agile innovation team working together to imagine, ideate, create, design, build and maximize experiences, products and services.

We help clients develop strategies to build, manage and lead a growth culture that embraces and drives innovation. Our Innovation Transformations include building a culture that thrives on new ideas and innovation.

We help our clients create sustainable value by assessing the future needs to their clients. We help develop Innovation strategies and systems to discover new ways to deliver value to their customers. We help clients use innovation to expand the limits of customer expectations.

We help clients improve Innovation effectiveness and efficiency by discovering new ways to improve, accelerate and replace existing processes and systems, and discover new opportunities for exceptional, sustainable profitable growth. We help clients use creativity to discover new and unexpected possibilities and revenue streams.

We help clients integrate Innovation into business strategies. We design organizational structures, processes and cultures that align with business strategy to create sustainable innovation. We help create and align multiple growth strategies to optimize growth and maximize sustainable value creation.

We provide a full range of experience consulting and solutions, we provide total experience enhancement solutions to greatly improve customer and user satisfaction.

We provide generation specific consulting and solutions designed to optimize future growth amongst different generational sectors of society.

We help clients develop strategies to accelerate innovation and manage future growth. We help develop strategies to measure innovation to make innovation a predictable and reliable driver of sustainable, exceptional, profitable growth. We help organizations develop, strengthen and grow innovation capabilities, everything needed to make innovation sustainable and reliable.


We create an environment that is conducive to sustainable innovation. We
help organizations function as one cohesive, coherent and agile innovation team working together to imagine, ideate, create, design, build and maximize experiences, products and services.

We build client’s Innovation capabilities , we help organizations develop everything needed for innovation to thrive, capabilities, talent, teams, culture, systems, processes and strategies. We help build a Systemic Capability for Innovation.

We help clients, discover new growth opportunities, design more effective business models and launch new high-impact ventures using Innovation.

We provide the leadership, capabilities and culture needed to develop the human potential and systems needed for organizations to use innovation effectively to drive growth and shape the future.

We help clients accelerate business breakthroughs with strategy development, opportunity identification, business model innovation, leadership development, culture change. We provide strategies that differentiate, focus on the future and drive sustainable innovation to provide exceptional growth.

We provide effective solutions for all types of innovation, Incremental, Disruptive, Architectural, Radical Innovation and many more.

We help clients develop innovation strategies for everything needed for sustainable value creation.
Network Innovation, Channel Innovation, Brand Innovation, Customer Innovation, Engagement Innovation, Social Innovation, Process Innovation, Product Innovation, Radical Innovation, Incremental Innovation, Business Innovation, Technical Innovation, Technology Innovation, Corporate Innovation, Organization Innovation, Marketing Innovation, Value Innovation, Environmental Innovation, Product Innovation, Service Innovation, Business Model Innovation, Data-Driven Innovation, and many more.

We Innovate Leadership, we provide Innovative Leadership Development advice focused on increasing performance using creativity and innovation in leadership for the CEO and senior level executives to add another dimension to leadership and management of organizations that results in significant performance improvement.

We provide complete Innovation Management services and solutions. We develop strategies, develop objectives and set goals to help leaders evaluate innovation results, manage pipelines and allocate resources. We help clients develop and accelerate Innovation with Data Analytics. We provide the research and analytics needed to discover, explore and assess new opportunities for innovation.

We help clients bring the results of their Innovation to market in a cost effective and profitable manner. We assist our clients in obtaining the necessary financing for all their innovation needs if needed.

We provide a full range of R&D, L&D and Innovation consulting services. We provide solutions for Multi-Channel Constant Innovation.

We help organizations build capabilities, implement strategies and transform into an Innovation Power House. We help use Innovation to grow and strengthen the business of today to disrupt and conquer markets of tomorrow.

Our “Team Innovation” provides a broader range of Innovation Consulting and Solutions. We are more than a Innovation Consulting firm, we are a full service Innovation Studio that focuses on “Profitable Creativity.”

  • Our “Team Innovation” provides a broader range of Innovation Consulting and Solutions. We are more than a Innovation Consulting firm, we are a full service Innovation Studio that focuses on “Profitable Creativity”.

  • Our innovation solutions are future demand based and results driven. We focus on using innovation for making the future better than the past.

  • We do more than enable, we empower our clients to become great Innovators, we build world class innovation capabilities. Our World Class Innovation System “Excelerate” provides sustainable innovation quickly and has been used in over 40 countries. Our Innovation system provides multiple channels of constant innovation for greater impact.

  • We use a 360 degree view to define innovation strategies that most effectively support our client’s business strategy.

  • We use a global approach to shape customer economics and demand.

  • We improve performance of organizations through Innovative leadership development.

  • We use an entrepreneurial approach to Innovation Development, we combine a customer-centric and user-centric mindset with a holistic approach to Innovation.

  • We provide more than Innovation Consulting and Management advice, we are hands-on working side by side from the beginning to success of your Innovation development.

  • Our Exceptional Growth teams are able to provide multiple effective growth strategies and solutions for all growth objectives, we use an integrated approach to growth and innovation.

  • Our Innovation Strategies and Systems are used to radically improve the customer and user experience to find new pathways to growth and new revenue streams.

  • Our organization includes industry experts to provide more effective solutions for the unique needs of our clients.

  • We help our clients push the boundaries of creativity and customer expectations.

  • We are able to provide fast track solutions when the need arises.

  • Our exceptional consultants provide complete Management Consulting services to make Innovation more effective.

  • Our exceptional people in 125 countries have the reach and depth needed to provide total solutions for our clients’ most critical priorities.

We provide world class advice and solutions across all industries and geographies. We are as diverse as the industries and cultures we serve, we provide a different perspective and unique approach to change. We are obsessed with outcomes and passionate about our clients’ success, we share the same drive, stamina and winning attitude that our most competitive clients need to become and stay global market and industry leaders.

We strive to provide solutions that create 10X,100X and 1000X value for our clients.



We Have The World Covered

Any Industry, Any Subject, Anywhere

North America, Central America, South America
Western Europe, Northern Europe, Eastern Europe, Southern Europe
East Asia, South Asia, Southeast Asia, West Asia, Central Asia
Northern Africa, Southern Africa, Central Africa, Eastern Africa, Western Africa
Oceania, Middle East, Caribbean

Our global teams focus on our clients’ most critical global, regional and local priorities. With exceptional people in 125 countries we direct our efforts wherever they are needed to overcome challenges, seize opportunities, create value and win markets.


Creativity Group
Creativity, Ideation, Imagination, Re-imagination

Maria Russo,  Europe,     Susan Davis, North America,    Nguyen Minh, Southeast Asia    Hiroshi  Watanabe, Asia 

Kate Hall, Oceania Vytautas Petrauskas, Eastern Europe Patricio Fernandez, South America Gerardo Castro, Central America
Hui Wu, Asia Shankar Khatoon, South Asia Khamis Allah, Middle East Sibusiso Sibiya, Southern Africa

Design Group
Product & Service Improvement, New Products & Services
Product Reinvention

Nora Hansen, Europe    John Taylor, North America    Ana Fernandez, South America    Lian Wang, Asia

Sri Sah, South Asia Kian Quek, Southeast Asia Vladimirs, Berzins, Eastern Europe Brian Baker, Oceania
Bongani Ndlovu, Southern Africa Amneh Al Shehhi, Middle East Isamu Fujii, Asia Alfonso Avila, Central America

Innovation Group
Continuous Innovation System
Creativity, Ideation, Design and Innovation Strategies

Bob Brown, North America    Shota Satō, Asia    Paul Fischer, Europe    Amelia Smith, Oceania    Dohyun Kim, Asia

Ruben Acosta, South America Sanjay Patil, South Asia Roman Shevchenko, Eastern Europe Rafael Araya, Central America
Fatih Kaya, Middle East Jan Jacobs, Southern Africa Cy Seah, Southeast Asia Shlomo Zoabi, Middle East

Growth Consulting Group
Expanding Horizons, Increasing Market Share, Globalization, Internationalization
High Performance Sustainable Growth Strategies, Exceptional, Sustainable, Profitable Growth

Tom Phillips, North America    Monika Lange, Europe     Wayne Moore, Oceania    Emiko Ogawa, Asia

Liping Ceng, Asia Bekele Tesfaye, Eastern Africa Ghulam Iqbal, South Asia Viktoriya Sergeeva, Eastern Europe
Agus Lestaru, Southeast Asia Amr Ashraf. Northern Africa Zeynep Cetin, Middle East Mpho Gumede, Southern Africa
Guillermo Maldanado, Central America

Management Consulting Group
Leading Edge Management & Next Level Business Strategies

Mike Harris, North America    Martin Martínez , Europe    Lethabo Nkosi, Southern Africa    Elena Volkova, Eastern Europe

Angel Peña, South America Laura Cruz, Central America Xiaoli Shi, Asia Ko Murakami, Asia
Obaid Abbas, Middle East Vijay Paramar, South Asia Tim Lewis, Oceania Wee Lai, Southeast Asia

A few of our many exceptional people that help build the best organizations of the future.


Always Innovating, Always Improving
More Reach, More Depth, More Bold

Faster, More Effective, Sustainable Results
We Can Make The Future Better Than The Past.

Leadership, Management, Change, Strategy & Transformation Consulting
Clear Vision, Bold Missions, Dynamic Strategies and Continuous Transformation
Sustained Value Creation Through Sustainable, Profitable Growth
Sustainable Superior Performance, Strategic Competitive Advantage
World Class Continuous Innovation And Transformation Systems
That Define The Future.

Successful Strategic Partnerships Provide Exceptional Returns

Wherever you need to go, we can get you there.

How can we help you compete?

Emerge Stronger, Compete Smarter